Ethos and Values
Our Ethos & Values at Newlaithes Junior School

We ‘promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs’. We also recognise that these values are not solely exclusive to Britain and that these values have developed in Britain through a process over a substantial period of time. We also recognise that these values can only be maintained and developed by active engagement of citizens in democratic, lawful and respectful institutions and processes, of which our school is one element.
In line with our values, Newlaithes Junior School takes its duty to prevent intolerance and radicalism extremely seriously. This duty falls within our wider safeguarding duties and the responsibility for ensuring the prevent duty is carried out effectively lies with Mr Clark (Designated Safeguarding Lead), Mr Sanchez (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead) and Mrs Corbishley (Chair of Governors). These key individuals are also responsible for ensuring that all other staff are aware of their responsibilities.
Democracy at Newlaithes Junior school
Pupils are given the opportunity to have their voices heard through school council, website voting, art competition voting, pupil questionnaires, Fair trade representatives and most importantly, influence the strategic direction of the school. The curriculum further promotes discussion e.g. PSHE and RE lessons, we welcome politicians and councillors to talk in assemblies, which also e.g. focus upon special people. Our school council is part of the joint CSP school council who meet in the County Council Chambers with Carlisle’s mayor termly.
Rule of Law at Newlaithes Junior school
The importance of rules and laws (for individuals, classes, schools, country) are consistently reinforced throughout school days, in PSHE lessons and in assemblies. Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind rules and laws; the importance of responsibility and self-control. Visits from police, Fire, road safety, building site safety are planned throughout the year. Each family signs a home-school agreement.
Individual Liberty at Newlaithes Junior school
Children are actively encouraged to make choices; knowing that they are safe in a supportive environment. Pupils are encouraged to know. Understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised on how to exercise these safely e.g. through e-safety talks from CEOP. Children choose whether to join a variety of extra curricular clubs. All classes work towards incentives. A wide variety of choice is also given at break times for our children. Opportunities are also taken to explore wider issues in our local, national and international communities regarding freedom and individual liberty e.g. an assembly considering the crisis in Syria and the migration of its people.
Mutual Respect at Newlaithes Junior school
Part of our school ethos and behaviour policy has revolved around core values such as respect. Pupils are involved in discussions relating to issues of respect in assemblies and lessons e.g. when considering the school rules. We have children trained as peer mentors in order to help children e.g. resolve minor conflict issues on the playground; assemblies are linked to responsibilities which include the role of the ‘peacemakers.’ Education of what bullying is and how to deal with it is also addressed e.g. during the national Anti Bullying Week. Our enriched curriculum provides children with opportunity to learn from people from other cultures e.g. African Drumming and Dance sessions and our links with a school in Zambia. We support charities where they promote respect and tolerance e.g. Jeans for Genes Day.
Tolerance of those with Different Faiths and Beliefs at Newlaithes Junior school
Pupils develop their understanding of being part of a culturally diverse society through RE, PSHE and assemblies; links with jack and Jill School in Zambia, sessions upon the importance of our Fair Trade status, visiting local places of religious worship, celebrating a variety of festivals from world religions and working with people from different faiths and belief e.g. creating the Nepalese banner.